• Member Since 21st Nov, 2013

star swirl the wizard

Oc bio Name Cyehd Vmain Ta Mec / The leader of Third Street Saints

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With the mundane amount of space in the world around earth, a man named Craig is ripped from his reality and thrown into a new. As he ascends to the soil of equestria he is magically gifted by an unknown source to create or replicate anything from his worlds entertainment system on a whim. Grasping the reality that is now his home, he lives and follows his new found friends into endless adventures.

Chapters (26)

A modern mage teleports himself to Equestria in a magical mishap, where he somehow saves the world tries to continue to live his life. Meanwhile, in Canterlot, a dismissed engineer makes plans to exact her revenge on the pony that stole her teacher from her. But how far down does the engineer's rabbit hole go?

Chapters (46)

This story is a sequel to Ten Trips to Equestria

Alright, I won't complain. I got what I wanted. I did visit Equestria. Being stranded here was not on my list though. And with the things running around, how I'm running around... I'm really not feeling good about this.

I've got mistakes to fix, dreams to live and so little sanity to spare... Eh, I'll manage.


Cover art by the one and only mix-up. You can visit his gallery here

Chapters (19)

--Soon to be under HEAVY re-write....because it sucks--

I'm serious. It's terrible. Stay away from it, just go read the sequel.

Well things couldn't be any weirder for Ian. Get knocked out a human one morning, wake up with the body of a baby changeling the next. Well, at least he still has his sparkling personality. Right? Well whatever the case, he'll be having some new experiences in this new form.

This is my first story so leave critique for improvement.

Teen for innuendo.
Edit: I got an editor, finally. He helped me with the grammatical errors in the last chapter. So a special thanks to Lan.

Chapters (8)

Cadence, the princess of love. One would think she'd have the usual story. Her knight in shining armor whisks her away to a beautiful palace where they live happily ever after. And while that may have happened, few know that it was the wrong knight.

A peaceful conversation brings up painful memories from Cadences past along with a slew of questions left unanswered for years. Now armed with a painful truth, she sets out to reclaim what she lost.

Chapters (2)

One thousand years ago, Celestia failed to reach out to her sister and save her from the darkness that consumed her. In her sorrow, she was forced to seal her within the Moon.

Five years ago, Sunset Shimmer, Celestia's personal student, also turned twords a darker path. Celestia once again sought to save somepony she cared about from falling onto a dark path. This time, she succeeded...

The first story of the Sunsetverse, join Sunset Shimmer and Twilight Sparkle, Celestia's personal students, as they are sent to Ponyville to oversee the Summer Sun Celebration. Oh, and make some friends. Sunset's not so sure how that counts as a job, but it would probably be a good thing for Twilight. Poor girl's obsessed with some Mare in the Moon legend she read. A few days out of the library and interacting with other ponies would only be a good thing for her, right? After all, there is no way Nightmare Moon is real.

*Edit*-10-6-2014 : *spittake* I'm a featured story? What? What? What? I don't even, how? ...I need to lay down for a bit. Um, thank you all my viewers who made this possible, and thanks to the staff for enjoying my work enough to feature it. I will strive to do even better in the future, and once again thank you for all of your support.

Chapters (10)

A Blacksmith with a past shrouded in mystery has lived in Ponyville for almost three weeks. At first he din't want much else than to work his craft, until he met a certain Apple farmer. What will happen when the two worlds collide?

Hey, every-pony I' taking a new direction with this fic. Hopefully it comes out right.

Chapters (11)

A young human girl runs away from home with her best friend, and finds herself much further from home than she ever expected. Her arrival in Equestria will cause ripples that affect ponies from the lowest to the highest.

Meanwhile, a young Nocturne mare begins an epic quest to earn the right to clean Princess Luna's porcelain throne.
Be sure to check out the Continuation. "How to Train Your Batpony" Not a Clopfic!

Let me extend thanks to Georg for letting me play with some of his characters and situations, and for proof reading and contributing some really good lines here and there.

Secondly, I would recomend reading some of his stories to better understand the jokes and situations that pop up in my story. Most especially I would advise you read A War of Words - The Opening of the Guard and possibly Genealogy (or the mating habits of Nocturnes Pegasi) (which is very long)

Chapters (24)

Anvil just transferred to C.H.S and is a little hard to be around but after he meets some very interesting girls he starts to open up, only till three new girls arrive and make life there a lot more difficult. Anvil has a secret and he must keep it hidden and these new girls have ways of getting information out of people including their deepest darkest secrets, if his secret is revealed it could cause Mass Chaos. And after meeting Vinyl scratch he reveals his secret to her and the girls find this out and start going after her, If he wants to keep his secret hidden from the public he must keep her safe....... Even if it means risking his own life in the process

Chapters (13)

Bright Blade was happy, sure he may have no memories of his past before coming to Ponyville, but he was happy living with the mare who took him in and making many friends in the town he now called home. Unitl one day all that came crashing down. Now Bright Blade must use his mysterious powers to fight for his home and friends. Against a demonic army of ponies and against all odds, but with the Elements of Harmony at his side there's nothing any them can't handle. But all is not well as Twilight has doubts about her young ward, which may be due to the fact that she has no memory of even meeting or knowing Bright Blade. What could this mean?

It is a tale of war...
A tale of love and heartache...
Of sorrow and despair...
Of death and rebirth...!
This is War in Equestira: The Tale of Bright Blade

Inspired by the song This is War by 30 Seconds to Mars

Link to the Sequel!

Chapters (49)